
Bug Tracker

Try this code in iaddressbook/functions/module_birthday.php, line 30, to fix end-of-year bug:

 $sql  = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_config['dbtable_ab'].
 $sql .= " WHERE ((MONTH(birthdate) = MONTH(NOW()) OR MONTH(birthdate) = MONTH(NOW()) + 1) AND MONTH(NOW()) != 12)";
 $sql .= " OR ((MONTH(birthdate) = 12 OR MONTH(birthdate) = 1) AND MONTH(NOW()) = 12)";
 $sql .= " ORDER BY DAYOFYEAR(birthdate) ASC LIMIT 100";

This code exports LDIF to Mozilla Thunderbird, in a format which uses names, instead of numbers.

iaddressbook/functions/module_ldif.php line 85:

    $line[] .= rtrim('dn: cn='. ldif_escape($contact->firstname).' '.ldif_escape($contact->lastname).', mail='.ldif_escape($workMail));
//    $line[] .= rtrim('dn: cn='. ldif_escape($contact->id).', '.$base, ", ");
    $line[] .= 'objectClass: inetOrgPerson';
    $line[] .= 'objectClass: person';
    $line[] .= 'objectClass: top';
    $line[] .= 'cn: '.ldif_escape($contact->firstname).' '.ldif_escape($contact->lastname);
//    $line[] .= 'cn: '.                                                                      ldif_escape($contact->name());
//    $line[] .= 'cn: '.                                                                      ldif_escape($contact->id);
  • Birthday reminder seems a little buggy with the new year. Since December, it only shows people born in january (although some contacts are born in december).
  • The code has bugs in several files which prevent the program from being executed correctly. The code contains “<?=” instead of “<?php echo”. The workaround is to replace all “<?=” with “<?php echo”.
  • [PHP 5.3] All occurences of “split” have to be replaced by “explode” in order to work properly. Apart from this, iAddressBook work perfectly with PHP 5.3.
  • [PHP 5.3] All objects created by reference should be replaced by “normal” construction. That is change the “=& new” for “= new”.
  • if there are no birthdays in the future but at least one in the past, the birthday 'none' label was not displayed
  • image handling: image is not resized when GD is used (instead of ImageMagick)
  • image handling: replace proc_open by popen (again) as it may cause troubles with restrictive PHP settings
  • Image has wrong Content-Type: image/$format instead of image/PNG etc.
  • PostgreSQL compatibility broken
  • photo import in contact edit view does always use imagemagick
  • Category: Select 'ALL' in category filter, Go to range '26 - 50' (page2), Choose a category with less entries (2 for exemple), The list on the left is empty (Filter is on range '26 - 50' (page2)?)
  • photo in vcard export is not compatible with Mac 10.4 Addressbook vcard import (Addressbook has a newline after PHOTO;BASE64:, while iAddressbook does not)
  • Export Vcard add “\” in attribut “FN:”.
    <code> BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:prenom\, NOM … </code>
    (This is not a bug! See RFC 2426 for more information)
  • fixed a problem when PEAR.php could not be found
  • two or more contacts that have the same display name are only shown once in the contact list. The number of total contacts displayed is correct however.
  • removed some dependencies to PHP 5. Should now work with PHP 4 as well.
  • Bug: resolved bug in actions.php that caused an unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR
  • Bug: vcard export: htmlspecialchars must not be used when exporting vcards
  • Bug: category: can add categories with no name
  • Bug: category: when adding categories, does not check for duplicate category names
  • minor bugs in default template
  • escaping does not work correct
  • fix sqlite support (categories are not displayed (but handled correctly))
  • fixed a serious bug that allowed cross site scripting
  • auto-select first contact on category change
  • person_edit.tpl: localize CHANGE and REMOVE keywords
  • Birthday field not shown in edit view if birthday is empty
  • [MEDIUM] vcard import: cannot detect UTF-8/16/32 without BOM
  • [HIGH] proper escaping for assembled objects before storing in database (;) (strip newlines!)
  • [HIGH] birthdate before 1970 not displayed correctly
  • [HIGH] photo removal and change not implemented in code
  • [LOW] vCard import (V2.1): does not import birthday from Outlook generated vCards
  • [FEATURE REQUEST] function to produce nice firstname, lastname or whatever lines, that can be used in person.tpl or in contactlist.tpl
  • [HIGH] template looks ugly in Internet Explorer 6!
  • company cards should display the company name at the top instead of fistname, lastname
  • vCard import missing in template
  • typo in DE text → empty card
  • nice default template missing
  • input validation!
  • vcard import lacks item support
  • vcard export lacks item support
  • bugs.txt
  • Last modified: 17-11-2016 12:34
  • (external edit)